目指せ1億円⭐︎初心者株式投資 Bunnies Fund

Bunnies Fund の新人 クリスの勉強ノートです。

アリサの勉強 かぶカブキさんの株で成功する人の10の思考


Arisa's sutudy - 10 Thoughts of People Who Succeed in the Stock Market with Mr. Kabu Kabuki


1 売買の根拠が明確

The rationale for buying and selling is clear


2 リスク面を直視している

Facing the risks directly


3 小さな損切りを頻繁に行う一方で、利益を大きく育てる

Frequently making small losses while growing profits significantly


4 狙いが外れた時は俊足で逃げる心の準備ができている

Prepared to quickly exit when the target is missed


5 利益確定する条件を事前に決めて、それまではとことん引っ張る

Setting conditions for taking profits in advance and pulling through until those conditions are met


6 含み損は現実の損失だと考える

Considering unrealized losses as actual losses


7  “幻の含み益”を無視できる

Able to ignore the 'illusion of unrealized gains'



Regretting taking profits too early more than cutting losses



Considering cutting losses as an opportunity for the next investment


10 含み損が大きいものから決済していく

Settling the positions with the largest unrealized losses first


参考 Teference 

